Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Amendment 48

I've already voted and whatnot but I just felt like writing about this right now. Actually I even got into a friendly debate about it today....felt kinda nice, hahaha.

Amendment 48 in Colorado is an amendment that will define a person as a person at conception (aka when sperm and egg meet and fuse and start multiplying). I wholeheartedly agree with this. Most people by now know that I'm a Christian and I am anti-abortion. Along with this I also believe that a person starts at conception while a great deal of people believe a person starts when it's a "fetus" which if I recall is a few months along into the pregnancy. Even then a lot of women have abortions late into their pregnancies. It's hard to imagine doing this, it's wrong, that is a person!!!

I voted yes.

A lot of people think this is an anti-abortion law, which in essence could be classified as that. Abortion of a person would be considered murder, and if the definition of a person is at conception, then abortion is murder. Yes I can deduce that.

However, a lot of pro-choice groups are telling people that this will make birth control illegal and doctors will be put on trial for murder and what about the mother's health. The amendment itself has a clause that abortions would be legal in the case that there are threats to the mothers health. However I don't believe it's the mother's choice.

I believe it's God's choice. Psalm 139 tells us that he wonderfully made us and he knew us before we were even created. We are God's choice, not the mother's choice.

Now a lot of people bring up the argument, what about rape, incest, etc. For those who don't know my history I'm more than willing to talk to you about it in person/phone/email. Because of my past, I am very bull-headed towards this argument. I don't care. That is still a person, a person wonderfully and beautifully created by God. I do not agree that even in those instances abortion should be an option.

Many of you may agree with me but I couldn't possibly kill a human being forming inside of me. Women need to face their consequences, that child is their consequence of a choice they knowingly made; the child doesn't deserve to be killed.

Ask any child that's been adopted. They wouldn't be here if their mother just opted to have an abortion. There is someone very special in my life in this situation. I couldn't imagine him not being alive because his birth mother decided that the easiest way out was having an abortion. And here he is 22 years later, a grown man. That would not be the case had she decided differently.

So yes, here I am pro-life, Christian Republican and all :) And I support Amendment 48.

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