Saturday, July 11, 2009

Beta Beta Woot

Club Beta. First time. Thursday Night. Hella great.

Players: Nicole, Alyssa, Allison (underage)

Place: Downtown Denver Blake Street

Mission: Dance our hearts out

Pregame: Allison drinking vodka in the car, Alyssa and I getting vodka sprites at the club.

Act: Loosened up, dancing our hearts out. GREAT sound system :) Hella sweet. Allison and I do a little grinding. A little jumping with Alyssa. Feeling the music. Techno love. Crunk-ass bass. Disco-ball gleaming. Arms waving in the air. Mist coming from the DJ stage. Tribal dancing. Head bobbing. Passionate and wild.

End of scene: amidst dancing there's a tugging on my arm after an hour of dancing, before the main dj even comes on. kicked out of the club. apparently allison took a sip of alyssa's drink :( sad day.

That's ok....that was our appetizer. next time = main meal!!

Finale: nachos, eggs, and pie at Denver Diner. Jamming to techno in the car. Breeze against my cheek as the cool night envelopes my skin.

Happiness. Freedom. Enjoyment. Dancing. Soul. Love.

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