Sometimes living in Brighton I feel really uncultured. My key to the outside cultured world is a click away....via the internet. I want to experience people and culture. Which is why I love being in Denver. I love being immersed in different people and experiences and opinions and ideas and art. Oh it's just glorious!!
I started searching photography today, I don't have a good photographer's eye but I want more than anything to be able to take beautiful photographs. I want to take my camera and have all the time in the world to play and capture what I see. I want to travel and document it all in pictures. I want to display those pictures ALL over my house.
Oh the dreams that we have....I miss culture, I miss being exposed to raw and new ideas, I miss being exposed to being around people who are different than me. I loved FoCo for that reason. Oh how I miss that town. I miss those people. I miss that expression.
I hate the cookie cutter-ness of Brighton and these suburbs. I need creativity. I need difference. I need expression!!
On my goal list currently....visiting the Museum of Art in Denver and spending time at a coffee shop in Denver. Stat.
Click. Click. Boom.
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