Thursday, June 11, 2009

Chicken Soup for the Soul

Yesterday was a really good day for me on most ends.

I got to spend the previous evening cuddling with Eric. Funny story....I drove down to Denver to surprise him and spend some time with him (he had forewarning that I was probably doing that anyway). I got there and parked, was able to get into his building without texting him to come open it (it requires reader cards to get in but I think somebody just didn't shut the door all the way, got all the way up to his seventh floor apartment and knocked......and absolutely nothing. I knocked several times, called him several times, nothing. I knew he was most probably home as his car was parked in the parking garage deal and the lights to the living room I saw were on when I was driving up....I thought he was probably riding his bike or something as it was too dark for me to see if his bike was on the balcony or not.

So I was pretty bummed but since it was a beautiful night and I needed to spend some alone time, I decided to continue up Speer Boulevard and see what was farther up the street. It was pretty nice, I was able to find Wash Park which is where we went one time to throw the frisbee....and from there it all went downhill. I got lost and probably circled the same ten streets trying to figure out how to get back to Speer probably a good three or four times. And I think I ended up just making a huge U around that part of Denver. Right as I got unlost and was getting ready to head home he texted saying he had passed out crazy hard and was sorry and he wished he could have seen me. Well I was right in the immediate vicinity so I went over and got to cuddle with him :) So it worked out great on my part....other than driving around lost for over an hour and making a fool of myself...oh well, I make a fool of myself quite frequently so whatev.

I got very little sleep that night as kissing him is addicting as hell, I started getting a cold and couldn't breath, my sculiosis flared up again and I'm having hella hardcore backpain and I was restless....I mean how often do you get to cuddle with someone you adore?! HA! But I woke up in a great mood. I came home, got a soothing shower.

Then yesterday morning after I showered I went to Fort Collins. I absolutely miss it there. Fort Collins was home but Fort Collins was more of who I am than Brighton. Hell Denver is more of who I am than Brighton but Fort Collins was my place. It's so laid-back and friendly...I miss the familiarity, the convenience, the people. It's just SO different from Brighton in too many senses. So it was wonderful to go back.

I went to chat it up with Alyssa who ended up giving me a whole basket full of clothes :) I love that girl. She just constantly reminds me that it's ok to be who I am, no matter how far out of someone else's idea of me I really am. Just who she is reminds me to just be who I am and people will either like me or not like me but I'm being genuine....LOVE her :)

Then I gotta pick up my bike!! Ryan tuned and worked on the whole thing. I need to bust her out of my car and go for a ride but she looked a MILLION times better. And Ryan is so relaxed it was good to talk to him for a few. Aw how I miss the biking community of Fort Collins.....Brighton doesn't have a biking community or is cultured to biking what-so-ever. It's already been a huge adjustment. No such thing as a bike lane anywhere in Brighton. SO lanes are EVERYWHERE in FoCo.

Then one of my roomies from Colorado Springs was up in FoCo yesterday and we got to sit and chat and have lunch and catch up. It was absolutely chicken soup for my soul yesterday to see Rene. We even talked about how we love how we can just pick up our friendship no matter how long it's been, we can talk and be comfortable and supportive to each other, but we don't force our just happens. It's natural and content. I love that.

I love her. We are both stubborn and sort of butted heads living together but I think it's one of a few things that keeps us bonded. She's so independent and driven and keeps her fire for God close to her heart. I can never be the strength of Christian she is but I admire her for it. I admire the choices she makes for her life and her faith. I admire her drive. I get jealous of her at times but it makes my heart happy that she is so happy and successful and making her dreams come true. It makes me happy to know that somehow, though I'm not sure even what all I've done, she keeps a little place for me in her heart and welcomes me with a huge hug and smile every time I see her. A-list friends are few and far in between.

It always warms my heart to catch up with old friends :) I could live my whole life just talking to people and traveling and taking photos along the way and I'd be a very happy person!!

I did get sick last night and a few things I learned hurt my heart greatly but it was an absolutely great day. I'm alive, my God is always there for me, I have my health, I have a promising future ahead of me (yes I realize full of great hurdles and obstacles but a God who will take my hand and guide me through it all), I have loved those around me whole-heartedly and am loved by those around me, and I got to enjoy the beauty of another day.

God truly blesses every day, even if only the smallest of ways....and for that I'm thankful.

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