Tuesday, November 02, 2010

One Blog, Two Blogs

As if I didn't have enough going in my life, I started a little project for myself that will hopefully help me in getting a positive and uplifted attitude back, and something that I am secretly hoping can become a benefit for others.

Call me crazy but I need SOME part of my life to have a positive impact on others, so if I push myself in growing and learning and getting back to my attitude, and give myself an outlet to help motivate that and help me in that process....well I figured I would give it a try.

So I started another blog!

I'm not quite sure exactly how I want it to look yet. But I do know that it has every week I will change the "Whisper of Encouragement" and the "Weekly Verse" along with writing what God is teaching and laying on my heart. I am by no means a writer and an evangelist like Diana Hummell was but I am hoping that maybe this blog can reach others, not by showing that I have an amazing faith (like Diana did) but by showing that I too am like many other Christians struggling to figure out what purpose and plan God has for their life. I want to show that like many others out there I am struggling constantly with the notion of self-worth and how it pertains to our earthly life and also to our relationship with our Father. I want to show that like many others in this world, some of us face struggles and have a hard time figuring out up from down, left from right, and dark from light.

I am hoping that this blog will challenge me....as it will push me to keep reading my bible to find a weekly verse, one that speaks to me. It will push me to really dig deep and try to understand what lesson God is putting me through and to find out if I'm learning that lesson or if I'm failing yet again at trying to understand what it is God is trying to tell me.

If for nothing else, it can be a little project to help distract me from the negative emotions that are consuming my life as of late. It will distract me from the feelings of worthlessness and of depression (which yes I am fighting right now). It can help me to focus on what's important.

More than anything I think we all need to leave a legacy. I don't expect to leave a legacy with this blog but I hope for once maybe I can make a small impact.

So here is the blog address....it's simple.


It's nothing fantastic, just a little project that I hope can help others. Check back later as I am just trying to get the ball rolling....and of course, my life is crazy busy. But we'll see what happens with it!!

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