Talk about a busy weekend...and a fun one to boot!!
Friday night found me hanging out at Cam & Diana's house with my babylove and playing with the kiddos there.
Saturday brought work and then fun!
We had a girls night out and it couldn't have been any better had I tried!! We started off having a drink at the Giggling Grizzly downtown and chowing down on some fries and quesadillas, watching the game, and bullshitting with each other. Then we headed over to The Front Porch, which proved to be a good choice for the time being. Then my babylove texted me and let me know he was out with his friends at this place called The Tavern. We were wanting to find a place with a dancefloor and this happened to be one of those places. It turned out to not let us down!! I got to see my babylove a little bit and give him a hug but true to girls night out form, it mainly consisted of us four out on the dance floor shaking our butts until last call and enjoying a few drinks!! It was chill, laid-back, filled with lots of laughs and great times! A little alcohol to keep the mood light but not crazy or over the top. Not to mention dancing for several hours is ALWAYS a good time in my book :-)

After finally getting home around 3-3:30am, Britton and I hit the sack for a couple hours of sleep before we got up bright and early at 6am. Getting showers and hopping in the car around 7:20am, we hit the road. Destination: Ordway, Colorado. Diana was speaking at the church that Britton's parents and sister Havi attend. Listening to Diana speak was absolutely amazing!! She really is an amazing woman of God and such a powerful speaker. Tears were flowing from everyone and blessings were remembered and poured. Emotions were strong and passionate and raw. God is good, God is faithful. And Diana is such a wonderful reminder of that!!
Afterwards, we all went for a family lunch which was was the first time I got to be with all of Britton's family all at once. I could tell that not only was I enjoying it but Britton was as well. He doesn't get to see his family often and he doesn't get to see them all together very often. You could tell that he was reveling in it and loving getting to spend time with them. And they all really enjoyed getting to see him :-) How could you not, he's so lovable!
Then it was time for some FUN! We all headed to Pueblo Reservoir for some boating action. Boy oh boy, who doesn't love that?! I got to keep getting to know his family, play with the kiddos, and have a little tubing fun on the boat. Britton enjoyed time out on the lake for the first time this summer, tubing and wakeboarding and taking it all in. I loved seeing him with his family and being relaxed and I started to fall in love with all of his family. All of them! They are all so kind and mostly accepting of me thus far. We stayed until it got dark and finally headed back as we both worked bright and shiney this morning.
The sunsets over the lake were amazing, and awe-inspiring. At one point I was taking in the view over a cove and Britton came up to me and said "what you doin little muffin?" in his normal way and my response was "enjoying the amazing view baby". He commented on how amazing it was and then said "you know why God made this? (waited as I looked at him in anticipation for his answer) because God just wanted to look at it" which he put his arm around me and we stood taking it in. Because I was too busy taking in the breathtaking beauty, I didn't go grab my camera. But I did when it got dark and the brilliant moon was shining down upon the calm waters of the dark lake. It's not the best photo I've ever taken and DOES NOT capture any part of how amazing this really was to see in person but it's still a photo to reminisce on.

Overall this weekend was just the perscription I needed....full of love, laughter, God, prayer, and relaxation. It was a weekend that rejuvenated parts of my soul.
I got to fall even more in love with Britton, enjoy some time with friends, and fall in love with Britton's family. I got to spend quality time with quality people, making new memories and being myself.
I think we all need those weekends....and it couldn't have come at a better time!
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