Today my brother Kevan graduated from Brighton High School during the 105th commencement exercise as part of the Class of 2009. The last of us older three, who my mom says are thick as thieves, to graduate. Marshall and Kevan are my two partners in crime growing up. For the longest time, us three were as one. Now we have become three branches of a common tree. I find myself torn. I have a hard time with us three flying our own ways, yet I wouldn't want to stay in the past. I enjoy watching them become the men they are becoming; the kind, fun, funny, caring, charismatic, joyful, moody, strong, lovable men they are growing into. Men who make mistakes but love with their whole hearts. Men who know responsibility but have no problem throwing inhibitions to the wind to enjoy this crazy beautiful life.
None-the-less, I am SO VERY PROUD of both of my brothers. Another bittersweet occasion in which I still continue to laugh and cry through, but one in which I stand as the most proud an older sister could possibly stand while watching the growth of two very amazing people.
Of course you know I've been camera happy this morning. The party and family pics come tonight but here is my brother and some of his graduation pics.
My dad got to hand Kevan his diploma since he's on the school was the biggest hug I saw through the entire ceremony and quite honestly made me cry :)
With his diploma in the backyard
With his best friend Tiana
The M.O.B.
You HAVE to have the jumping pic :)
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