But they are profound.
I read his book "The Five People You Meet In Heaven" over winter break over four hours on a lazy afternoon. What struck me was that by the end of what was seeminly a simple story was something that resonated within me, leaving me crying (which I do when emotions get overwhelming in any sort) but very much glad that I read a book with such a deep and impactful meaning.
That book was about a man who dies and in his heaven he has to meet five people. They are all people who played a vital role in his life in one instance or another, all of whom he never understood how vital of a role they played until he heard in what way they had an impact in his life. They all literally had saved his life in one way or another, though not necessarily in a huge jump-on-a-bomb life sort of way.
At the end, it also ties into how one day Eddy (the main characters name) will be waiting in someone else's heaven to guide them after they die. At the end of the book he gives his life by saving a little girls life on one of the amusement rides he attended to.
I highly recommend reading the book.
Anyway, this book "For One More Day" is just as profound, about the importance of family and a mother/son relationship. The main character's name is Chick Bennito and it's about how he tries to commit suicide and gets to spend one more day with his mother. It's an equally fantastic and profound book.
I especially like this line in the second to last chapter "You need to keep people close. You need to give them access to your heart."
Learn to love those around you, to spend quality time with those you love, to enjoy the time you do get to spend with them and not take it for advantage. Because you never know when is the last time you'll have with someone.....and if you'll be spent wishing for just one more day with them.

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